ARPwave would like to thank you and welcome you to the world of Neuro-Training, Neuro-Preparation, and Neuro-Recovery.
FlexDoctor is the newest innovation to ARPwave's patented technology. To date, ARPwave protocols have been used by over 500,000 people, including tens of thousands of professional athletes. FlexDoctor is a portable Neuro-Training device designed to help allow the human body to play and perform in sport/activity without pains or soreness.
The training videos and protocols will begin the process of working with your body's neurology and muscular system and help you prevent injury and promote faster recovery.
By using the FlexDoctor unit in conjunction with approved ARPwave movements and protocols, clients will see:
- 1Pain Management Without Drugs
- 2Increased Range of Motion
- 3Relaxation and Stress Reduction
- 4Symptom Management
- 5Improved Sleep, Medication, Balance, Strength, and Flexibility
Getting Started
Please familiarize yourself with the included setup instructions and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact ARPwave by phone (952)431-9708 or by email at [email protected].
ARPwave has prepared the series of videos below to assist you with the basic pad placements for preparation and recovery; utilize these exercises and protocols prior to and after activities, as well as in conjunction with your medical teams' instructions.